Total Medals Earned: 1,763 (From 353 different games.) Total Medal Score: 25,110 Points
Medals Earned: 26/26 (345/345 points)
Open the first present!
Open the second present!
Open the third present!
Open the fourth present!
Open the fifth present!
Open the sixth present!
Open the seventh present!
Open the eighth present!
Open the ninth present!
Open the tenth present!
Open the eleventh present!
Open the twelth present!
Open the thirteenth present!
Open the fourteenth present!
Open the fifteenth present!
Open the sixteenth present!
Open the seventeenth present!
Open the eighteenth present!
Open the nineteenth present!
Open the twentieth present!
Open the twenty-first present!
Open the twenty-second present!
Open the twenty-third present!
Open the twenty-fourth present!
Open the twenty-fifth present!
Open all the presents and watch the credits until the end
Medals Earned: 30/30 (445/445 points)
Open the twelfth present!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/65 points)
Get a distance of 10,000
Get a distance of 50,000
Get a distance of 100,000
Medals Earned: 1/6 (10/245 points)
Outrun the fuzz in level one
Lose the blues in level two
Break free from the PD in level three
Settle the score in level four
Make it out alive in level five
Refuse to get on the train for 60 seconds in level 5
Medals Earned: 2/2 (55/55 points)
jump 7 times (i <3 u dogl)
beat the game
Medals Earned: 3/7 (40/160 points)
You maliciously killed everyone.
The weight of the unaware has been lifted.
Complete the game leaving people injured but alive.
Remove the weight with half the civilians still alive.
Complete the game with survivors with the weight of the unaware.
Complete the game without harming animals or civilians.
Medals Earned: 9/9 (250/250 points)
Purchase a Health upgrade
Purchase a Strength upgrade
Purchase a Speed upgrade
Completed level 1
Completed level 5
Fully upgrade the Strength stat
Complete level 10
Fully upgrade the Health stat
Fully upgrade the Speed stat
Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/205 points)
Beat 5 Levels
Beat 10 Levels
Check out Closure on Steam!
Beat 20 Levels
Beat the game
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/80 points)
Overtake 1 Orange Cloud
Overtake 25 Green Clouds
Upgrade Lightning 1x
Get the game for Google Play
Get the game for iPhone and iPad
Upgrade Rain 5x
Overtake 5 Purple Clouds
Upgrade Sun 25x
Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)
Thx for the free Medal >w<